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Hire Contractors in Slovakia

Slovakia has a well-established infrastructure for automotive manufacturing, machinery, and industries in central Europe. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is growing strong, with more foreign establishments in the country. 

However, Slovakia faces a significant labor shortage, with nearly 100,000 vacancies across various industries. On the other hand, Slovakian youth continue to immigrate to nearby European nations in search of new opportunities. 

Fortunately, companies have already caught up to the trend of hiring contractors in Slovakia. You can hire contractors in Slovakia to access a skilled, cost-effective talent pool with project-based flexibility and overcome most international business challenges

This guide has equipped you with the knowledge of hiring contractors in Slovakia. 

How to Hire Contractors in Slovakia

You may either hire contractors directly or use an AOR service.

For direct contractor hiring, follow the below simple steps to hire contractors in Slovakia:

1. Define your needs & finding contractors:

  • Identify the specific skills and experience needed for the project.
  • Utilize online platforms like Profesia (Slovakia's primary job board), Upwork, or LinkedIn to search for contractors with relevant skills.
  • Partner with a reputable agency specializing in your industry to source qualified candidates.

2. Selection process:

  • Determine your budget before hiring contractors. 
  • Evaluate candidates' qualifications and experience against your project requirements.
  • Per the law, contact past clients or employers to get a sense of the contractor's work ethic and quality of work.

3. Contract negotiation and signing:

  • Ensure you correctly classify your newly hired contractor based on Slovakian labor laws to avoid fines & penalties. 
  • Outline the contractor's tasks, deliverables, payment schedule, milestones for payment releases, and preferred payment methods and communication protocols within the contract.
  • Specify ownership and usage rights of any intellectual property created during the project.
  • Define the terms for termination of the contract by either party.

4. Onboarding and project management:

  • Grant the contractor access to the necessary resources and tools to complete the project successfully.
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback to ensure the project stays on track and meets expectations.
  • Utilize contractor management software to manage their project timeline, payment schedules, and other contractual requirements.

Hiring Contractors Through Skuad AOR

Partnering with expert Agent of Record (AOR) service providers like Skuad, to hire contractors in Slovakia, can be a real game-changer. 

Hiring international contractors through Skuad AOR ensures compliance with Slovakian labor laws and payroll and tax regulations. Moreover, Skuad's digital platform handles paperwork and contracts electronically. It involves confidentiality agreements outlining the degree of IP ownership you share with the contractor’s deliverables.

Additionally, Skuad can minimize legal and financial risks associated with misclassification and non-compliance, protecting your business. It can enhance your employer brand and attract top talent by offering competitive benefits packages. 

Furthermore, as your project evolves, your needs might change. Skuad can facilitate a smooth transition if you decide to convert a successful contractor into a full-time employee. They'll handle the legalities of employment in Slovakia, ensuring a seamless shift for both you and the contractor.

How to Pay Contractors in Slovakia

You can consider the following options to pay contractors in Slovakia:

Method Pros Cons
Bank Transfer Simple, widely accepted Slow, international transaction fees
E-wallets like Paypal, Wise Faster, cheaper than bank transfers, convenient Not all contractors use them; transfer limitations
Prepaid cards Secure, convenient, controlled spending Fees not preferred by all contractors
Skuad AOR services Compliant, simplifies administration

Moreover, AOR services from Skuad offer contractors a secure and convenient payroll platform. You can make international payments in various currencies, minimizing transaction fees and ensuring timely payments.


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Challenges of Hiring Contractors in Slovakia

Here's a breakdown of the top challenges you might face when hiring contractors in Slovakia:

Legal Uncertainty Surrounding Independent Contractors in Slovakia 

Slovakia has specific criteria for assessing the working relationship, including control over work hours and methods and whether the work is done with the employer's equipment.

However, reports from the video game industry suggest distinguishing between employees and contractors in Slovakia is difficult for companies because:

  • Slovakian law is not suited for remote work arrangements. It only requires employers to share costs for permanent home offices, not occasional remote work.
  • Current employment laws weren't designed for the flexible, project-oriented work arrangement. More often, it can put you at risk of misclassifying employees as contractors. 
  • Employers can have difficulty enforcing non-compete clauses for independent contractors in Slovakia. 
  • Further, you need carefully crafted contracts to manage expectations and limit liability, especially when working with independent contractors. This is because contractor rights and benefits are different from those of employees.

Tax Obligations From Hiring Contractors in Slovakia 

  • A foreign-dependent contractor in Slovakia is subject to income tax on their earnings.
  • Consequently, the Slovak employer withholds income tax advances from the contractor's payments. Moreover, you must look at tax liabilities for registered US employers hiring contractors from Slovakia.
  • However, if the employer has no established entity in Slovakia and the contractor works less than 183 days in 12 months, the income might not be taxable in Slovakia.
  • Eventually, contractor management in Slovakia requires increased record-keeping. 

Labor Market Challenges To Hire Contractors in Slovakia

  • The primary challenge in hiring contractors lies with regional variations in worker qualifications across Bratislava, Trnava, Trenčín, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Nitra, Prešov, and Košice Region. 
  • Additionally, Slovak is the primary spoken language. This could make communication a challenge when working with local contractors in Slovakia.
  • While not directly impacting contractor hiring, corruption can create an uneven playing field, discourage ethical competition, and increase risks for companies operating in Slovakia. 

Fortunately, there is ready contractor management software like Skuad to help global companies overcome the challenges of hiring contractors in Slovakia. Using Skuad’s Agent of Record (AOR) services, companies can pay and manage contracts in compliance with labor laws, even without establishing a local entity. 

Hiring Contractors Directly vs Hiring Contractors via Skuad

This table compares the pros and cons of directly managing contractors in Slovakia by yourself and utilizing contractor management software and AOR services like Skuad. 

Feature Hiring contractors directly Hiring contractors via Skuad
Compliance Risk High - You are responsible for ensuring worker classification and complying with Slovakian labor laws and tax regulations. Low - Skuad's expertise in global employment law minimizes misclassification risks and handles all social security contributions and payroll taxes.
Payroll & Tax Withholding Complex - You need to understand and comply with Slovakian payroll and tax withholding for contractors, including potential currency fluctuations. Streamlined - Skuad automates calculations, ensures timely payments, and handles currency fluctuations for international contractors.
Onboarding Time-consuming - Manual paperwork, contracts, and background checks. Quick & Easy - Skuad's digital platform simplifies onboarding through electronic processes.
Employer Branding Limited reach - You rely on your reputation to attract talent. Enhanced - Partnering with Skuad strengthens your employer brand and attracts top talent by offering competitive benefits packages.
Cost Potentially lower upfront costs (excluding potential misclassification penalties) Affordable - Skuad offers transparent pricing models, eliminating hidden costs associated with payroll and compliance.
Flexibility Flexible - You have complete control over the hiring process. Flexible - Skuad offers flexible engagement models for short-term or long-term contractors.
Reduced Risks Requires in-depth knowledge of Slovakian labor laws. Reduced Risks - Skuad manages legal and financial risks associated with misclassification and non-compliance.
Focus Focus shifts from administrative tasks to project management. Increased Focus - Skuad handles administrative burdens, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Here’s a detailed hiring checklist to avoid misclassifying employees as independent contractors. However, hiring contractors through contractor management software offers a more secure, compliant, and efficient solution than direct hiring. 

Cost of Hiring Contractors in Slovakia

Here’s a breakdown of the cost involved in hiring contractors in Slovakia: 

Category Estimated cost Notes
Contractor rates $81.37 (€75) and $107.41 (€99) Varies based on experience, skillset, project complexity, and industry standards.
AOR platform fees 5% - 15% of contractor's total compensation Varies depending on AOR service and package.
Taxes & social security 15%-25% of total income Employers are not obliged to deduct.

How to Convert a Contractor into an Employee in Slovakia

Converting contractors in Slovakia into an employee will give you more control over the worker. It is similar to switching employees from 1099 to W2 in the US. 

Here are two paths to achieving employee status compliantly in Slovakia. 

  1. Establishing a legal entity in Slovakia and hiring contractors as employees directly through recruitment agencies or online job boards.
  2. Partnering with an EOR with a legal presence in Slovakia allows you to hire talent on your behalf and handle all the complexities of contractor management. 

Regardless of the method, prioritizing a smooth transition and a competitive offer will ensure a happy and productive new employee!

Hire Contractors in Slovakia with Skuad

Skuad simplifies the process, acting as your Agent of Record (AOR) in Slovakia and over 160 other countries. With Skuad, you can streamline onboarding and payments with robust contractor management software, all while ensuring compliance with Slovakian labor laws and tax regulations, eliminating misclassification risks.

Book a demo with Skuad and unlock the full potential of your Slovakian contractor workforce.


1) Can I hire an independent contractor overseas?

Yes, you can hire overseas independent contractors in Slovakia. There are usually two ways to do it: First, establish a legal entity and hire contractors in Slovakia directly. Second, partner with an AOR service that handles contractor management on your behalf. 

2) Is it cheaper to hire employees or independent contractors?

Hiring independent contractors in Slovakia is cheaper because employers are not obliged to deduct income tax and social security contributions. However, potential misclassification penalties make them more expensive in the long run. On the other hand, hiring employees offers more control and predictability but comes with salary, benefits, and payroll burdens.

3) What is the self-employed tax rate in Slovakia?

The self-employed tax rate in Slovakia varies per income level and is subject to 

  • 15% of the tax base for income up to EUR 49,790
  • 19% of the tax base for income not exceeding EUR 41,445.46 
  • 25% of the tax base for income exceeding EUR 41,445.46

4) Where is the best place to hire independent contractors in Slovakia?

There are variations in worker skill levels across regions in Slovakia. However, the Bratislava Region is among the best to hire contractors in Slovakia. 

5) How do you pay an independent contractor in Slovakia?

Bank transfers and e-wallets like Paypal or Wise are the most common ways to pay contractors in Slovakia. Consider using payroll services from an experienced AOR provider like Skuad to handle contractor payments compliantly and ensure you meet Slovakian requirements. 

Skuad is the best solution to hire and expand globally.

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