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How to add and onboard a full-time employee?

Step 1:

a) Once you log on to the Platform, navigate to the ‘People’ section. Click on the ‘Add New Hire’ button.

b) An alternate way is to use the ‘Quick Action’ and click ‘Add New Hire’.

Step 2: Choose the option which says ‘Add an employee via Skuad’.

Step 3: Specify the primary work location of your new employee along with eligibility to work in that location.

Step 4: Fill in the details of the employee according to the identification document. 

Step 5:

a) Add compensation information for your new employee. You will also have the option to add additional bonuses and allowances.

b) Once compensation information is added you will be able to view a detailed cost breakdown for your new hire. 

Step 6:

a) Now, add probation and notice period details which will be a part of the employee’s agreement. 

b) You also have the option to request insurance and devices for your employee (charged separately). 

Step 7: You can now verify the details provided by you using the preview option. If needed, you have the option to change and correct any details that you have added.

Step 8: Once you are satisfied with the contract, provide confirmation to send the contract to your employee by checking the box and clicking on ‘Add employee’.

A confirmation message around successful request addition will be shown. You can continue to track the progress of this onboarding till employee signature from the ‘People’ section.

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